Questions about Massage and Acupuncture with Tara Rivero Zea
How do I know what treatment is right for me?
If you have a specific complaint that needs treatment, for example back pain, then acupuncture and tui na massage might be most suitable. If you have never had a massage before, Swedish massage is a good place to start as it is very relaxing. Tara can adapt the treatment once the appointment has started if you feel that something else is more appropriate. How much notice do you need for me to book a treatment? If you are looking for an appointment at Healing Space please use this link Tara often gets booked up weeks in advance, but sometimes short notice appointments are available. Do you offer couples massage? Yes, you can book a double appointment and Tara will massage one person after the other. This option is also available for friends or groups. Can I book an appointment for a friend as a present? Yes you can, or you can buy a gift certificate with a personalised message sent by email. They can be redeemed at any time and do not expire. The recipient simply calls or emails to book an appointment in the usual way, or you can book it for them. What products do you use? Top quality organic and ethically produced products are used wherever possible. Tara uses top of the range Acupuncture needles and Chinese massage oils. Tara also uses different aromatherapy essential oils depending on the massage. If you have a request for a particular type of oil please let Tara know in advance and she will order it for you. |
How long is an appointment?
For acupuncture the first appointment is 1 hour long, and 1 hour or 90 minutes for massage, acupuncture massage or cosmetic acupuncture. Contact Tara to discuss further. For massage there are a 60 min or 90 min appointments available. All of these include a full consultation. This is so Tara can assess your individual requirements and ensure you get the best treatment possible. When can I book an appointment? All up to date availability is on this link: Do I get a discount if I book regularly? Yes, please contact Tara to discuss a block booking plan. Tara can also do a special package for you depending on what you need. How can I pay? You can bring cash or pay by card at the time of your appointment as we have a card machine. You can also pay in advance when you book if you prefer. There is a 24 hour cancellation policy, if you have an emergency please let Tara know by texting 07983617737 pregnant ladies in labour are not charged :) |