Acupuncture for Fertility, whether that's through natural conception support or IUI, IVF or any other type of treatment.
Acupuncture Support
Acupuncture can be used by anyone trying to conceive. It can support couples, single mums, and same sex couples or those women thinking about egg freezing. It can also help support you through Western Medical intervention procedures such as IUI or IVF, or it can be used before these approaches are tried. There is a lot of research available that shows that acupuncture can significantly improve conception rates and improve blood flow to the endometrium. Acupuncture for Male Factor, Female Factor or Unexplained Male factor can take about 3-4 months to treat. Female factor can take up to 3-6 months and longer. Whatever is happening for you Tara is there to support you on your journey to conceive. Tara also works with many single mums and same sex couples. Tara works with people at all stages of their journey, including egg freezing, egg donor, sperm donor, double donor and frozen transfer. She works with women who are older, with low AMH, low egg reserve, PCOS, endometriosis, fybriods, and all the different pathways available to us now. Acupuncture for Embryo Transfer Tara can arrange to treat you before and after embryo transfer and uses the Paulis protocol for IVF transfer which has been shown to significantly improve the chances of conception. You may prefer to have one treatment the night before and one on the day of transfer to ensure you get a good nights sleep. |
What Should We Expect?
At your initial appointment Tara will take your full reproductive history and try to identify ways to assist conception naturally. In any given cycle a couple has a 25% chance of conceiving and on average it takes 8-12 months to fall pregnant, though for some people this does not happen and Tara will work with you to see what factors may be preventing conception. Addressing Lifestyle Issues Can Improve Fertility Tara also gives advice on diet and lifestyle factors which may assist conception and will support you to make lifestyle changes that will help maximise your fertility. Acupuncture is also extremely effective at treating stress and the underlying emotional issues that go with trying to conceive. Tara is happy to have a pre-screening chat with you on the phone to determine if acupuncture is right for you and if you would like to proceed with treatment. You can also email her if this is easier. [email protected] Tara has personal experience in this area and all calls and personal information are handled with professionalism and sensitivity. |